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Tibetan Fried Rice

When Chris and I were living in China, we found this tiny little Tibetan restaurant nestled in an alley behind the university campus. The owners were a big family of ethnic Tibetans who were rather intimidating when they didn’t smile, but warm and friendly [...]

Grilled Sweet Corn Salsa

I love grilling. Oh, I don’t grill, myself. But it’s one of the only ways to get my husband to do the cooking.

That’s not the only reason I like it though. Everything tastes better after it’s been on the barbecue. The smoky, caramelized [...]

Jalapeño Corn Pudding

I was perusing an old copy of Bon Appétit while taking a hot bath the other day, and a certain recipe caught my eye. You know how at the beginning of the magazine they provide restaurant recipes that have been requested by readers? Well, [...]

Green Pea and Basil Soup

It’s spring! Glorious spring!

We spent a weekend planting our little container garden on our balcony. I have a serious case of garden envy of anyone who has a little plot of land in which to plant a few vegetables. But we are doing [...]

Homemade Falafel

With the holidays upon us, Chris and I have been trying our best to eat healthy while we can, before the whirlwind of holiday dinners starts. One of the things we’ve been trying to do is to have at least one dinner a week [...]