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Old-Fashioned Strawberry Pie

Strawberry season! It’s strawberry season! Whoohoo!

Can you tell how excited I am? I mean, amazingly sweet, luscious strawberries are at the market for $0.97 a basket. WOWEEE!

We’ve been eating them on our pancakes, over yogurt, drizzled with vinegar in green salads, and [...]

Norman Apple Tart

Ever since Chris’ work schedule got more busy, he hasn’t been able to be my photo go-to guy. Which is kind of a bummer for me, because now I have to learn all about taking my own pictures and stuff like that. Fortunately he’s [...]

Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

I went to Trader Joe’s the other day hoping to score some of their humongous chewy oatmeal cookies that make me feel all cozy and fuzzy and that all’s well with the world. Lo and behold, as luck would have it, they were ALL [...]

Good Ol’ Apple Pie

Hello loyal readers! Thank you for being patient with us as we traveled through East Asia and went through a major move from China back to the United States! We have been in a whirlwind of events in the last few weeks – spending [...]

Nectarine Golden Cake

I like to always have a cake around.

It’s so nice to have a not-too-sweet, everyday cake stashed in the pantry, perfect for afternoon cake and coffee, or for breakfast, or for a not-too-decadent dessert. And a slice or two is great for feeding [...]