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Old-Fashioned Strawberry Pie

Strawberry season! It’s strawberry season! Whoohoo!

Can you tell how excited I am? I mean, amazingly sweet, luscious strawberries are at the market for $0.97 a basket. WOWEEE!

We’ve been eating them on our pancakes, over yogurt, drizzled with vinegar in green salads, and [...]

Nectarine Golden Cake

I like to always have a cake around.

It’s so nice to have a not-too-sweet, everyday cake stashed in the pantry, perfect for afternoon cake and coffee, or for breakfast, or for a not-too-decadent dessert. And a slice or two is great for feeding [...]

Strawberry Shortcakes with Lemon

Summer comes early in our little town in Southern China, and right now in early March it’s already strawberry season. One of the joys of living seasonally is anticipating the various fruit seasons, enjoying the fruit to the utmost while it’s [...]

Simple Apple Galette

Piecrust freaks me out. I’m sure you’ve been there, right? A successful piecrust just seems to me such a hit or miss thing. Did I add too much water? Did I add enough? Are my lumps of butter too big? Too small? Oh the [...]

Plum Crumble

There’s an interesting article in today’s New York Times’ Food and Dining section about school cafeteria lunches. A few groups of concerned parents have started to get the ball rolling on making more nutritious lunches available at school cafeterias. It’s an uphill [...]