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Taiwanese Street Food

Chris and I had the good fortune of traveling to Taiwan between semesters, and we have been eating our way across Taiwan for the past 11 days. Don’t be too jealous; I brought lots of goodies, in the form of photos, for you to [...]

Got (Goat) Milk?

As many of you know, we are spending this year in China. We live on an island off the coast of Fujian province, a beautiful small city named Xiamen with palm trees, beaches, and (usually, when not an El Nino year) beautiful sunny weather. [...]

Shao Kao (Street Barbecue)

Chris and I are packing our bags and heading back to North America for the Spring Festival holidays. In China, the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year Festival, is a time for people to travel back to their hometowns [...]